Brave: Simple Present
June 07, 2013
In my opinion, this is one of the best animated movies ever. I love the princess, her hair, her bad humor, and how different a princess she is.
I. Work in pairs and make a list of everything a princess does or doesn't do in order to be an example to society. Use your imagination.
Ex: She wears elegant clothes.
She doesn't smoke in public.
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
II. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use affirmative and negative statements, according to the Queen's point of view.
* To laugh at somebody's bad luck
** To try very hard to do something against difficulties
*** Wake up
1. She ____________ to the people with a clear voice.
2. She ______________ musical instruments.
3. She _____________ at someone's misfortune.
4. She ______________ early.
5. She _______________ compassionate, patient, cautious, and clean.
6. She _______________ for perfection.
III. Watch the segment and check your answers.
IV. Discuss the questions:
1. Is she a conventional princess? Why (not)?
2. Read your list from exercise I. Does she do any of the things you wrote down?
3. Are the Queen's ideas right or are they stupid traditions? Why?
4. Are princesses nowadays similar to the one in the segment? Why (not)?
Answer key
She speaks to the people with a clear voice.
She plays musical instruments
She does not chortle
She rises early
She is compassionate, patient, cautious, clean
She strives for perfection.