
Green Lantern: Passive x Active Voice

I really like super heroes movies. The Green Lantern was not the blockbuster many had expected, but it is dense and The Lantern has an amazing personality and story. I used this scene to contrast the use of active and passive voices.

I. Before watching the segment, try to complete  these sentences with either active or passive forms of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Billions of years ago, a race of immortals ___________ (harness*) the most powerful force in existence.

2. The Guardians of the Universe ___________ (build) a world from where they could watch over all of the existence, the Planet Oa.

3. They ______________ (divide) the universe into 3.600 sectors.

4. A ring powered by the ring of will ____________ (send) to every sector to select a recruit.

5. It _______________ (say) that one must be without fear.

6. These 3.600 recruits ____________ (form) the intergalactic peacekeepers known as the Green Lantern Corps.

 * to bring under conditions for effective use

II. Watch the movie segment and check your answers.

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