
Emperor: Mixed Modal Verbs - Permission and Obligation

Baca Juga

I. Read the social etiquette that is followed by someone who addresses a Japanese Emperor. In this case, Hirohito, the Post-World War II Japanese Emperor. Complete the sentences with the modal verbs provided. You may try to guess which  obligations are firmer in order to choose the best modal verb. 
1. His Majesty's image _______________ only be recorded by a court-approved photographer from a distance.
2. You __________________not shake His Majesty' hand or touch him.
3. You ____________________ never look His Majesty directly in the eyes.
4. You _____________________  not step on his shadow.
5. When you sit down with His Majesty, you _______________________  sit on his left.
6. You _________________ never call His Majesty by his name.
II. Watch the segment and check your answers.