Warm Bodies: Both... And... and Neither... Nor
July 05, 2014
Warm Bodies is a nice film about zombies. The story is well conducted and some of the scenes can be really funny - or even scary. I liked it a lot.

Answer key:

Watch the movie segment and check who performed the following actions. R (the zombie) or Julie (the girlfriend of one of his victims), or both. Write B for both or N for none of them.
( ) Likes vinyl records and songs from the 80s.
( ) Likes Bruce Springsteen songs, especially Dancing in the Dark.
( ) Had something to eat on the plane.
( ) Looked at old pictures.
( ) tried out some sunglasses.
( ) Danced on the plane.
( ) Had fun
( ) sang a song.
( ) Left the plane.
Check your answers with a partner.
Rewrite the items above, using the conjunctions BOTH... AND... or NEITHER... NOR.
Ex: Both R and Julie like vinyl records and songs from the 80's.
Discuss with a partner:
1. How different would life be if there were real zombies among us?
2. Why are zombie movies so popular?
3. What do Julie and R have in common?
4. How different are they from each other?
5. Is this scene scary? Why (not)?
6. Why do you think they were alone on the plane?
Answer key:
2. Both R and Julie like Bruce Springsteen songs, especially Dancing in the Dark.
3. Neither R nor Julie had something to eat on the plane.
4. Both R and Julie looked at old pictures.
5. Both R and Julie tried out some sunglasses.
6. Both R and Julie danced on the plane.
7. Both R and Julie had fun.
8. Neither R nor Julie sang a song.
9. Neither R nor Julie left the plane.