
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Wish x Hope

This is one of my  favorite movies. The story is fascinating. It has the magic of cinema telling an impossible and far fetched, but moving story of an amazing couple. I have seen it several times!

 The word “hope” is used to talk about POSSIBLE situations that we desire in the past, present or future. The important thing to note is that these situations are POSSIBLE

“Wish” is used to talk about situations that we desire, but which are the opposite of the current reality or which are IMPOSSIBLE

I. Here are a few things a mother told her daughter during her childhood and adolescence years. Now she regrets having said that. Rewrite the sentences, expressing regrets by using WISH.

1. I can't kiss you goodnight.

2. I can't take you to your first day of school.

3. I can't be there to teach you to play piano.

4. I can't tell you not to chase some boy.

5. I can't hold you when you have a broken heart.

6. I can't be your father.

II. Now imagine her father telling her what he would like her daughter to be/have in her future years. Rewrite them, using HOPE.

1. Make the best of it.

2. See things that startle you.

3. Feel things you never felt before.

4. Meet people with  different point of view.

5.  Live a life you can be proud of.

6. Have the strength to start all over again.

III. Now watch the movie segment and check your answers.