Delivery Man: WOULD - Different uses
February 04, 2015
1. What is a sperm bank? What are the services offered by a sperm bank? Make a guess if you have no idea.
2. Visit the site on this link, Then answer the questions that follow.
- What is the name of the sperm bank?
- What services does it offer?
- What are the costs?
- Do you consider it expensive? Why (not)?
- What's your opinion about this issue? How ethical is it?
- What is the trend in the future? Will it be an ordinary service, like purchasing a new car or house?
- Would you be a donor? Explain it
- Would you consider using a sperm bank if you could not have children?
- Are donors altruistic or just looking for some extra cash?
- Should the donor's identity be revealed if the child wanted to know it? Why (not)?
I. Watch the movie segment. Vince Vaughn's character is the biological father of of those young people he interacts with in the scene. The kids, however, don't know it.
Match the dialogs and a use of would to each conversation in the following exercise. Make sure you decide it according to the information presented in the snippet.