The Great Gatsby: Comparatives, Superlatives and Double Comparatives
January 24, 2014
Baca Juga
I. Watch the segment from the movie The Great Gatsby.

1) In my _________________ and _________________ years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. ‘Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.
2) The ________________ with the time we were, the _________________.
3) He was the single _____________________ person I have ever met;
4) The parties were _________________________.
5) The shows were ____________________________.
6) The buildings were ________________________.
7) The morals were _____________________ and the ban on alcohol had backfired, making the liquor __________________.
III. Watch the movie segment again and check your answers.
IV. Discuss:
1. How do you imagine life was like in the 1920's? Does the movie segment surprise you?
2. Would you like to have lived during those years? Why (not)?
3. Alcohol was prohibited, so the prices were very expensive. Do you think alcohol should be prohibited again, the way it used to be in the 20's? Why (not)?
4. What about some drugs, like marijuana? Should they remain banned? Or do you think the legalization will be best?*
* In Brazil, selling and buying marijuana is prohibited by law. Check your country's policy and adapt the question if it is the case.
Answer Key:
“In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. ‘Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.’ The more in tune with the time we were, the more we drank.
Gatsby was the single most hopeful person I have ever met; The parties were bigger. The shows were broader.The buildings were higher.The morals were looser and the ban on alcohol had backfired, making the liquor cheaper.