The Three Musketeers: Superlatives By Yusep June 24, 2014 Edit Baca JugaThe Great Gatsby: Comparatives, Superlatives and Double ComparativesMidnight in Paris, To Rome with Love & The Smurfs: Superlatives with NounsCaptain America - Civil War: Superlatives I. Complete the columns below with the given adjectives. Choose the column that YOU believe the adjective best applies to each character. Watch the segment and decide it.COURAGEOUS - AGILE - HANDSOME - INTELLIGENT - SEXY - BEAUTIFUL - ROMANTIC - AGGRESSIVE - STRONG - UGLY - ATHOS:MILADY ARAMISPORTHOSII. Write one sentence for each of the adjectives above. Compare the character you chose with the other ones.Ex: Porthos is the MOST COURAGEOUS of all.WORKSHEETMOVIE SEGMENT DOWNLOAD Share this post Berlangganan update artikel terbaru via email: